“The recent murders of Breonna Taylor, Riah Milton, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and many others have sparked large protests and brought renewed focus to the systemic racism that Black Americans face across the United States. We, as members of the Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) community at University of Michigan (UM), grieve with those horrified by these tragedies and echo the calls for justice for people victimized by racism and police brutality across this country.” 

This excerpt comes from an open letter penned by student and postdoc leaders of our community that reinvigorated departmental efforts and commitment to address diversity, equity and inclusion in the Civil and Environmental Engineering department.

Change starts from within. The CEE Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee recognizes a need to end the cycle of racism and social injustice that has particularly affected Black Americans. The committee will work to create a community (students, postdocs, staff and faculty) that is united behind addressing this need through self-reflection, awareness, education, opportunities and advocacy leading to a greater and equitable voice in the discipline of Civil and Environmental to diverse identities.

The Committee will create, maintain and implement a roadmap toward ensuring racial and social equity within the department, its curriculum and its programming. It will hold the members of the department accountable for progress along the roadmap via a continual, transparent evaluation process. The Committee’s ultimate goal is a culture of tolerance, acceptance and respect that spans our students, postdocs, staff and faculty.

The CEE DEI committee logo.

Do you have DEI ideas or feedback you would like to share with the DEI Committee?

Volunteer as a Contributing Member

If you want to be a contributing member of the DEI Committee, please email Lissa MacVean (lissajm@umich.edu). Anyone in CEE is welcome. Contributing members can attend meetings, design and help with committee projects, plan and host events, etc. There is no minimum time commitment. We’d welcome your voice and your energy.

  • Building and Valuing DEI Skills: Bridget Hegarty (hegartyb@umich.edu)
  • Enabling an Honest and Transparent Dialogue: Lissa MacVean (lissajm@umich.edu)
  • Creating a More Just Future by Transforming our Curriculum: Jason McCormick (jpmccorm@umich.edu)
  • Developing a Healthy and Safe Environment for Peer Mentoring/Sponsorship and Advocacy: Lissa MacVean (lissajm@umich.edu)
  • Fostering a Strong, Connected and Successful Community of Scholars and Graduates: Patrick West (phwest@umich.edu)
  • Recruiting a Diverse Community: Ann Jeffers (jffrs@umich.edu)

Contributing Members

The committee also relies on several members of the CEE community who volunteer their time to assist with specific subcommittees:

  • Hollie Adejumo
  • Kari Bigelow
  • Kate Harrison
  • Renisha Karki
  • Dianna Kitt
  • Dan Li
  • Laura Lucia Constain Montoya
  • Aminata Ndiaye
  • Rachel O’Brien
  • Joseph Ryan
  • Hang Song
  • Delaney Snead
  • Yifan Xu
  • Hongrui Yu

Committee members

Below are the appointed members of the DEI Committee. Appointed members have voting rights on the committee and take on leadership roles.

Eve Albalghiti Portrait

Eva Albalghiti

Graduate Student

Portrait of Michelle Ammerman

Michelle Ammerman

Assistant Research Scientist


Image of Juhyeon Bae

Juhyeon Bae

Graduate Student

Portrait of Aline Cotel

Aline Cotel

Arthur F. Thurnau Associate Professor


Image of Amy Fong

Amy Fong

Graduate Student

Neal Ganju


Portrait of F. Estéfan Garcia

Estéfan Garcia

Arthur F. Thurnau Associate Professor


Portrait of Brittany Hicks

Brittany Hicks

Graduate Students

Joshua Jack Portrait

Joshua Jack

Assistant Professor


Portrait of Ann Jeffers

Ann Jeffers

Associate Professor


Portrait of Joyce Kennedy

Joyce Kennedy

Senior Administrative Assistant


Portrait of Jenna Kutscher

Jenna Kutscher

Undergraduate Student

Portrait of Lissa MacVean

Lissa MacVean (Chair)

Lecturer IV


Image of Jordan Marshall

Jordan Marshall

DEI Program Coordinator


Portrait of Guoyang Qin

Guoyang Qin


Andrew Schweers Portrait

Andrew Schweers

Undergraduate Student

Lynn Shock portrait

Lynn Shock

Senior Undergraduate Coordinator


Portrait of Aleksandra Szczuka

Alex Szczuka

Assistant Professor


Updated 9/5/23